SAT Somatic Awareness Therapy is a process developed over a 40 year period. It uses a detailed system of inner body awareness.
Each of us has the ability to experience the inner organs and systems in our body, even down to the cellular level. Gradually , with each session, clients are guided in a very specific process to experience and then open and change all the disconnected and traumatized parts of us. It is easy and empowering. Most people find it interesting, nourishing and vitalizing.
It is fascinating to finally understand and experience the unconscious forces that have effected us throughout our lives
and then to finally heal and change them.
Many clients who have suffered issues like heart attacks, strokes and many other serious problems are amazed to
feel and understand the underlying forces and patterns that are the real causes.
Anyone can learn it.
With my guidance, clients easily identify random somatic feelings and sensations, then experience and transform them.
In this one to-one process, we will even see the incessant thoughts in our head relax and quiet.
We know this is true, because as we experience and relax the knots in our physical body, our mind clears in real time!
Leaving us with physical relief, a relaxed aware mind and a deep sense of meaning and connection.
Each of us has the ability to experience the inner organs and systems in our body, even down to the cellular level. Gradually , with each session, clients are guided in a very specific process to experience and then open and change all the disconnected and traumatized parts of us. It is easy and empowering. Most people find it interesting, nourishing and vitalizing.
It is fascinating to finally understand and experience the unconscious forces that have effected us throughout our lives
and then to finally heal and change them.
Many clients who have suffered issues like heart attacks, strokes and many other serious problems are amazed to
feel and understand the underlying forces and patterns that are the real causes.
Anyone can learn it.
With my guidance, clients easily identify random somatic feelings and sensations, then experience and transform them.
In this one to-one process, we will even see the incessant thoughts in our head relax and quiet.
We know this is true, because as we experience and relax the knots in our physical body, our mind clears in real time!
Leaving us with physical relief, a relaxed aware mind and a deep sense of meaning and connection.